deimon slagg

Deimon Slagg is an actor. Here is a link to his page on IMDB

December is a slow month, so what better way to stay in practice than to do a video reading of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, in keeping with the season.

In 2024, Deimon did three spots for Angi. Here is one:

Check out the Deimon's spoken word page, April is the Cruellest Month, especially if you like poetry, or would just like to hear the melfluidious tones of of his voice (melfluidious is a word, isn't it?)

Deimon has written a play called Witches::Macbeth for Four Actors and Two Hand-Puppets. The four witches (wait, four?) tell the story of Shakespeare's Scottish king. They play all the parts with much comedy and hijinks which only serve to set off the darkness of this tale. You can get your copy at Amazon in Kindle form today, and make yours a double double! (I'm so so sorry, couldn't resist a bad joke only Canadians will get!)

My first review! Ania Danylo writes: "This is a wonderfully accessible introduction to the world of Shakespeare and Macbeth. The witch characters are so much fun and the whimsical approach is genius! Truly, a wonderful vision that is written with passion and insight."

Thank you, Ania!

Slagg moved to BC in June of 2022 to be closer to the Vancouver market (Outside of Alberta, he is represented by Lucas Talent, in Alberta by RJ Talent). In the little over a year since he moved, he has done a TV commercial for a major brand, had a part in a Hallmark movie, and done several indie projects. He has been back to Alberta for some radio and theatre: Having been born and raised in Alberta and with friends and family there, he is always glad of an excuse to be, in the words of the late great Gordon Lightfoot, “Alberta bound”.


In November and December of 2021, he performed a one man adaptation of Dickens Christmas Carol by D.D. Delaney. It was produced by RuminariLive in Beaumont, Alberta, under the direction of Dr. Hunter Gates. It was well received by audiences there. Deimon hopes to have the opportunity of working with Dr. Gates again, and would encourage any interested in physical theatre to sign up for her academy when it is in session.

Photo: James Tarrant, 2021

His best picture to date would have to be Connecting Flights. It's available from amazon.

You can visit the film's facebook page and follow its adventures there. Our leading lady picked a best actress award at the Stockholm City Film Festival which makes me very happy as she was a joy to work with (Congrats Madison!), and it won best feature narrative at the Great Lakes International Film Festival for 2021.

Slagg also had a small part in a movie called John, 316. It has done well at the festivals. Here is the trailer.

And he also had a small part in a movie called Cor Values. Here is the trailer (at 0:43 you can see the side of his head for a fraction of a second).

Slagg was also blessed to have had the opportunity to work with the "Godfather of Gore" Herschell Gordon Lewis in a small part in his last film before he passed, Bloodmania. Warning, this trailer is (not surprisingly) gory.

And Deimon Slagg has done other things as well which you can learn about at IMDB if you like. Or if you would like a film resume or theatre resume or to be added to the slagglist, just drop him a line at He is represented in Alberta by RJ Talent, and elsewhere by Lucas Talent in Vancouver. Thanks for visiting.