deimon slagg
Spoken Word by Deimon Slagg


April is the Cruellest Month

Words by Assorted Writers of Words, Spoken by Deimon Slagg

And Some Original Videos



A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens. Read by Deimon Slagg.



Never Give All the Heart

by W. B. Yeats



Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

by Robert Frost




An original monologue based on a story my people tell.



Not Waving But Drowning

by Stevie Smith


Constantinople: Works from the Sketchbook of the Patient in Room 117



The Piano Recital of Miss Bethany Maude McAlistair of Bramblebar Gate

by Deimon Slagg

Somewhat macabre, dedicated to those who have sat through recitals that went on too long.



Mozart's Grave at St. Marx in Vienna

Deimon visited in May of 2019 and did this vid old timey style to a bit of Mozarts Requiem